RPSC School Lecturer

1. Which of the following essays is not written by Charles Lamb ?

(A) The Convalescence

(B) Imperfect Sympathies

(C) A Bachelor’s Complaint of the Behavior of Married People

(D) Of Studies


Ans. (D) ‘Of Studies is a by Francis Bacon.


2. Who composed the famous line : ‘If winter comes can spring be far behind’?

(A) Shelley

(B) Keats

(C) Wordsworth

(D) None of the above


Ans. (A) If winter comes can spring be far behind.


3. Who is called the Prince am essayists?

(A) Bacon

(B) Addison

(C) Charles Lamb

(D) Hazlitt


Ans. (C) The Position of Lamp amongst essayists is eminent. In fact, he has after been called the prince of all the essayists England has so far produced.

RPSC PGT English


4. ‘Love Song Alfred Prufrock’ opens with the line :

(A) ‘April is the cruelest month….,

(B) ‘Let’s go then you and I……,

(C) ‘Let me marriage of true minds…..,

(D) ‘Under the greenwood true……,


Ans. (B) Let us go then, you and I, when the evening out against the sky.


5. Choose the right meaning of the word “Effeminate” from the following :

(A) A man who is womanish his habits

(B) A man who is devoted to the welfare of woman

(C) A man who amuses himself by love-making

(D) A is prone to find fault with women

Ans. (A)

RPSC PGT English Test
RPSC PGT English Test

6. Shakespeare Tragedy is written by ……….

(A) Edward Dowden

(B) A. C Bradley

(C) Dover Wilson

(D) Wilson Knight

Ans. (B)


7. Who among the following writers has not won the Nobel Prize ?

(A) T.S. Elior

(B) Mulk Raj Anand

(C) William Faulkner

(D) Earnest Hemingway


Ans. (B) Other three have got Nobel prize. (1) T. 1948, (2) William Faulknor 1950,

(3) Earnest Hemingway 1954


8. John Keats died at the age of……

(A) 20

(B) 22

(C 26

(D) 30


Ans. (B) Keats was born in 1795 and died in 1821.


9. Who among the following writers was a University Profess English ?

(A) Kamala Das

(B) Mulk Raj Anand

(C) Nissim Ezekiel

(D) None of these


Ans. (C) Ezekiel was a profess english at the university of Bombay.


10. Dicken’s “A Tale of Two Cities” refers to……

(A) Berlin and London

(B) Paris Vienna

(C) Berlin and Paris

(D) Paris and London


Ans. (D) The scene of ‘A Tale of two cities’ is laid in London and the time of French Revolution.


11. T. S. Eliot migrated to England from…….


(B) France

(C) Germany

(D) Canada


Ans. (A) T. S. Eliot was born in 1885 at St. Louis in the United State of America.


12. “The Lotos-Eaters” was composed by :

(A) P. B. Shelley

(B) Alfred Tennyson

(C) Matthew Arnold

(D) Thomas Hardy


Ans. (B)


13. Which of the following col poems was written by Kamala Das ?

(A) Summer in Calcutta

(B) Gitanjali

(C) Leaves of Grass

(D) Song and Sonnets


Ans (A) Summer in Calcutta was published in 1965.


14. Which part of the United State has been written in Faulkner’s fic The northern

(A) The northern

(B) The southern

(C) The eastern

(D) The western

Ans. (B)


15. Trace in the following list the drama w Eliot did not write :

(A) Cocktail

(B) Family Reunion

(C) Murder in the Cathedral

(D) The Ascent of F6

Ans. (D)


16. “ Thunder said” is a section of the poem :

(A) ‘Four Quartets’

(B) ‘Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’

(C) ‘Gerontion’

(D) ‘The Waste Land’


Ans. (D) ‘The Waste Land’ by T. S. Eliot progresses rather abruptly through five movement as follows: Burial of the Dead, (ii) A Game of Chess, (iii) The Fire Sermon , (iv) Death by water; and (v) What the thunder said


17. The name of the protagonist of The Mayor of Casterbridge is :

(A) Newson

(B) Clym Yeobright

(C) Alec D’Urbervilles

(D Henchard

Ans. (D)


18. ‘To strive, seek, to find and to yield’ occurs in the Poem :

(A) ‘Lotos Eaters’

(B) ‘Tears Idle Tears’

(C) ‘Ulysses’

(D) ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’

Ans. (C)


19. In which cat you place Arnold as a critic ?

(A) Romantic

(B) Marxist

(C) Aesthetic

(D) Classicist

Ans. (D)


20. One of my friends.. collection of postage stamps.

Choose the correct option from the following :

(A) Has

(B) Have

(C) Do have

(D) None

Ans. (A)


21. Ten pounds………money : Fill in the blank space by choosing the right answer :

(A) Are a lot of

(B) Is the lot of

(C) Is a lot of

(D) None of these


Ans. (C) Ten pounds is a single unit so singular verb is used.


22. Shakespeare’s so in the following form :

(A) Tree quatrains and a couplet

(B) An octave and sestet

(C) Two six-line stanzas and a couplet

(D) None of these


Ans. (A) Earl of Survey does not follow the Petrarchan model of the sonnet. He divides his sonnets in quatrains, with a couplet in the end, and thus he is the first to use that form of the Sonnet which came to be called Shakespearean from the great dramatistic use of it.


23. The name of Alfred Tennyson’s famous elegy is :

(A) ‘Lycidas’

(B) ‘Adonais’

(C) ‘Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard’

(D) ‘In Memoriam’


Ans. (D) Perhaps the most loved of all Ten work is ‘In Memorium’ which is ‘one of the few immoral names that were not born to die.’


24. ‘Break, Break, Break’ w written on the death of :

(A) John Keats

(B) William Wordsworth

(C) Leigh Hunt

(D) Arthur Hallam


Ans. (D) Tennyson’s Hallam died in 1833. Tennyson was plunged into a period of gloom and sorrow. The sorrow may be read in the exquisite poem–Break Break Break.


25. With which of the following poets do we associate the ‘pictorial quality’ of poetry ?

(A ) Wordsworth

(B) Keats

(C) Shelley

(D) Milton

Ans. (B)


26. Which of the following epithets brings out the most characteristic quality of David Copperfied pinpointed by the majority of Dickens scholars ?

(A) Autobiographical

(B) Grotesque

(C) Baroque

(D) Lengthy


Ans. (A) Of the novels, ‘David Copperfied’ is regarded by many as Dickens’s masterpiece. It gives the glimpse of author’s own boyhood and family.


27. Bathsheba is the heroine of :

(A) Return of the Native

(B) Tess of D’ urberville

(C) Far from the Madding Crowd

(D) Jude the Obscure

Ans. (C)


28. Which of the following writers is noted for what Keats c ‘Negative Capability’ ?

(A) Milton

(B) Shelley

(C) Tennyson

(D) Shakespeare


Ans. (D) It struck me what quality wen man of achievement, especially in literature and which Shakespeare possed so enormously mean Negative capability.


29. Which of the following writers writes uninhibitedly about his or her sexual relationships ?

(A) Mulk Raj Anand

(B) Nis Ezekiel

(C) Kamala Das

(D) Robert Frost


Ans. (C) In ‘My Story’ She wrote–In the orbit of illicit sex there seemed to crudeness and violence.


30. Wordsworth’s “The Lyrical Ballads” was published in :

(A) 1789

(B) 1805

(C) 1799

(D) 1798

Ans. (D)


31. Who asserted himself as “a classicist in literature, royalist in politics and anglo-Catholic in religion” ?

(A) Matthew  Arnold

(B) T. S. Eliot

(C) Walt Whitman

(D) None of these


Ans. (B) Eliot had often declared himself the champion of of conservation-monarchist in politics, dogmatic in religion and classical in literature.


32. “Adonais” by Shelley is an on……

(A) Wordsworth

(B) Byron

(C) Keats

(D) Coleridge


Ans. (C) Adonais is a wonderful threnody over the death o Keats.


33. Who called Shelley “a beautiful but an ineffectual angle beating in the void his luminous wings in vain” ?

(A) Ruskin

(B) Mathew Arnold

(C) T. S. Eliot

(D) Tennyson

Ans. (B)


34. The sonnet “The world is too Much with Us” is w by…….

(A) Scott

(B) Keats

(C) Shelley

(D) Wordsworth

Ans. (D)


35. The phrase “Willing suspension of disbelief” is associated with……..

(A) Byron

(B) Keats

(C) Coleridge

(D) Wordsworth

Ans. (C)


36. The Waste Land was published in :

(A) 1915

(B) 1918

(C) 1920

(D) 1922


Ans. (D) The Waste Land first appeared in ‘The Sial’ and won the magazines award from the poetry, after  which it was published in book form in 1922.


37. The imaginary county ‘Yoknapatawpha’ occurs in the novels of :-

(A) Hardy

(B) Dickens

(C) Faulkner

(D) Mulk Raj Anand


Ans. (C) Sartoris (1929) is the first novel in his long loosely con ‘Yoknapatawpha’ saga, whose themes include decline of the compson.


38. Which of the following poets wrote the p entitled ‘Dover Beach’ ?

(A) Arnold

(B) Tennyson

(C) Milton

(D) Wordsworth

Ans. (A)


39. What played the most imp in shaping Ernest Hemingways’ literary creations like Farewell to Arms ?

(A) Experiences of war

(B) His friends and relations

(C) His love affairs and marriages

(D) His power of oratory


Ans. (A) He was selected as a honorary lieutenant. He w Austrian mortar shell while handling out chocolate to Italian soilders. He was admitted to red cross hospital where h love with a nurse whom he described in.


40. The movement of “Return to nature” has to do with :

(A) The Neoclass

(B) The Romantic Age

(C) The Restoration Age

(D) None of these


Ans. (B) The Romantic Movement in English poe generally described as a ‘Return to Nature’.


41. What figure of speech has been used in the following line ? “All the of Arabia cannot sweeten this little hand.”

(A) Metaphor

(B) Oxymoron

(C) Hyperbole

(D) Apostrophe

Ans. (C)


42. What figure of speech when the real meaning is exactly the opposite of that which is expressed by words apparently ?

(A) Satire

(B) Irony

(C) Oxymoron

(D) None of these

Ans. (B)


43. What is a direct address to the dead, to the absent, or to a personified object or idea ?

(A) Epigram

(B) Personification

(C) Apostrophe

(D) None of these

Ans. (C)


44. What is the name of implied simple ?

(A) Metaphore

(B) Apostrophe

(C) Hyperbole

(D) None of these

Ans. (A) A metaphor is implied sim comparison is not clearly stated.


45. The repetition of vowel sounds in a sequence of nearly words is called :

(A) Rhyme

(B) Rhythm

(C) Assonance

(D) Casura

Ans. (C)

46. When the sound of a word resembles the sound it denotes, the figure speech is :

(A) Synecdoche

(B) Onomatopoeia

(C) Prosopopeia

(D) Transferred epithet

Ans. (B)

47. The statement, namely, ‘Happiness is but an occasional episode in the general drama of paint’, contains the fig speech called :

(A) Simile

(B) Personification

(C) Paradox

(D) Metaphor

Ans. (D) Life is here compared to a drama generally painful and happiness is a brief episode.

48. Which of the following words is onomatopoeic ?

(A) Carry

(B Fear

(C) Bear

(D) Bug

Ans. (D) Onomatopoeia is the use of a word or words whose sound itself conveys the sense of the author.

49. Which of the following sentences has the figure of speech called ‘Apostrophe’ ?

(A) Man is the measure of all things

(B) Patriotism, what horrors are done in your name

(C) My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose

(D) All that glitters is not gold

Ans (B) Apostrophe is a direct address to the dead, to the absent or to a personified object or idea. Here patriotism is personified.

50. Hamlet’s question ‘To be or not to be……?’ means :

(A) To kill Claudius or not to kill him ?

(B) To kill Gertrude or not ?

(C) To marry Ophelia or not to marry her ?

(D) To live or to die ?

Ans. (D) This is the 56th line of Hamlet (Act-III, Sc-I) where Hamlet mases on either to end his existence or still continue to live.

51. Who is known as the fourth-witch among Shakespeare’s woman characters ?

(A) Desdemona

(B) Gertrude

(C) Lady Macbeth

(D) Cordelia

Ans. (C) There are three witches in ‘Macbeth’ but lady Ma infuses in Macbeth to murder Duncan thus called the fourth witch.

52. Shylock is a character in Shakespeare’s……:

(A) Twelfth Night

(B) Merchant of Venice

(C) As You Like It

(D) Commedy of Errors

Ans. (B) Shylock the few is the mon in the play ’Merchant of Venice’.

53. Who said : “There is no essential difference between the language of prose an the metrical composition” ?

(A) Wordsworth

(B) Arnold

(C) Eliot

(D) Keats

Ans. (A) In his (Wordsworth) famous preface ‘Lyrical Ballads’ he enunciated his theories. He said that ‘there neither is nor can be any essential difference between language of prose and verse.

54. “Background, Casually” is written by :

(A) Kamala Das

(B) Robert Frost

(C) Whitman

(D) Nissim Ezekiel

Ans. (D) Background Casually is one of the biographical poems of Ezekiel.

55. Who among the following writers did recently change his/her religion ?

(A) Mulk Raj Anand

(B) Kamala Das

(C) Nissim Ezekiel

(D) None of these

Ans (B)

56. Who wrote the following well-known lines ?

“The woods are lovely dark and deep And I have promises to keeep ….. “

(A) Whitman

(B) Emerson

(C) Frost

(D) Faulkner

Ans. (C) The lines are part of a poem Titled ‘Stopping by woods o Evening‘by Robert Forst. These lines were so dear to Pt. J. L. Nehru that they were found after his death on his des own handwrinting.

57. Complete the following : “I Hear America Singing” is a ….lyric.

(A) Patriotic

(B) Amorous

(C) Mystic

(D) Revolutionary

Ans. (A)

58. Who is known as ‘The Bard of Democracy’ among the following ?

(A) Emerson

(B) Robe

(C) Walt Whitman

(D) Emily Dickinson

Ans. (C) Whitman entered politics as a democrat. He became editor to a dem newspaper. He believed and showed how man might achieve for himself the greatest possible freedom with in the l natural law, for mind and body through democracy.

59. Who defined tragedy in the following manner ? “Tragedy is a imitation of an action, that is serious, complete and of a certain magnitude……”

(A) Plato

(B) Shakespeare

(C) Aristotle

(D) Longinus

Ans. (C) Aristotle defines tragedy as “an imitation of an action, serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude language beautified in different parts with different kind of embellishment, through action and not narration and through of pity and fear bringing about the ‘Catharsis’ of these emotions.’’

60. A long poem telling the story of the leader of t community written in a narrative form and lofty style is called :

(A) A drama

(B) An epic

(C) A short story

(D) A lyric

Ans (B) It is a long narrative poem on a great and serious subject, related in an elevated style and centered on a heroic or quasi – divine figure on whose action depends the fate of a tribe, a nation or the human race.

61. An iambic pentameter line contains :

(A) Five feet

(B) Seven feet

(C) Nine feet

(D) Six feet

Ans. (A) In iambic meter each foot has two syllables of which the unaccented and the second accented. If there are five feet or ten such syllables in a line, it would be known as Iambic Pentameter.

62. How many lines does a sonnet consist of ?

(A) Twenty

(B) Two

(C) Nine

(D) Fourteen

Ans. (D) Son short lyric of fourteen lines and the Italian poet Petrarch was the first to use this form of lyric to express his love for beloved Laura.

63. They literary art of diminishing a subject by making it ridiculous and evoking towards it the attitudes of amusement and scorn is called:

(A) Allegory

(B) Melodrama

(C) Parody

(D) Satire

Ans. (C) Imitative of words, style tone and ideas of an author in a way to make them ridiculous.

64. A lyric is :

(A) A long poem written in the form of address

(B) A poem written in praise of God

(C) A short poem in which the poet expresses his intense personal feelings

(D) A triumphal songs

Ans. (C) A lyric is always an expression of the moods and emotions of a poets. The best lyrics are in tone.

65. A ballad is :

(A) A short poem narrating a tale

(B) A poem written on somebody’s death

(C) A prayer song

(D) A song

Ans. (A) The Ballad presents a short story in verse. It is a song, transmitted orally, which tells a story.

66. “The memorials to him in statues of bronze or marble or pillars and thus they mock him and belie his message.” What do writer say ?

(A) Memorials of costly metals are important

(B) The dead person’s message is important

(C) The people build memorials are important

(D) None of the above

Ans. (B) Raising memorials of great person is in a way forgetting his / her message which is more important.

67. “I had been part of Nelson’s prayer, that the British fleet might be distinguish humanity in the victory which he expected.” What was Nelson’s dream ?

(A) A prayer to God

(B) To serve humanity

(C) Victory of the British fleet

(D) None of these

Ans. (B) Nelson’s Prayer was not only for victory of the British fleet, infarct was hopeful of the victory, but he wanted that this victory should be recognized by humanity that is it should be use humanity.

68. What does the idiom ‘‘Be-all and end-all’’ mean ?

(A) From beginning to end

(B) That which begins well

(C) That which ends well

(D) The whole and sole

Ans. (D)

69. Pick out the right option which expresses the meaning of the w ‘‘Jealous’’ :

(A) Enthusiastic

(B) Envious

(C) Proud

(D) Popular

Ans. (B) Jealous means envious and zealous means enthusiastic.

70. Choose the right option which expresses the meaning of the word ‘‘Invincible’’ :

(A) Defeated

(B) Spoken

(C) Learned

(D) Unconquerable

Ans. (D)

71. Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition or verb. He……….the bus when it came.

(A) Got off

(B) Got on

(C) Got in

(D) None of the above

Ans. (B)

72. Read the following passage and answer the questions follows it :

‘‘But the ten poets represented in the following pages all share a technical master of English verse and a enough thematic concern to make then worthy of the attention of a wide audience.’’

To which of the following categories the book alluded to in the above statement belong?

(A) An anthology of poetry

(B) An anthology of critical essays on some poets

(C) A book of English prosody

(D) A treatise on poetry and its nature

Ans. (A) Passage says the qualities of t and the themes of their poetry which win count for their popularity.

73. Read the lines that follow the answer, the questions based on them : Created half to rise and half to fall; Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all. Which of the following best articulates the human condition, Suggested in the above lines ?

(A) Man is a mysterious being, defying all logic.

(B) Man’s state in the world is paradoxical.

(C) Man is doomed to failure.

(D) Man is a social being.

Ans. (B)

74. Read the following lines from a poem and answer the question that follows :

And though a single world scatters all doubts

I quake wonder at your choice of me :

Why, why and why ? How would you like to characterize the speaker of lines ? (Choose best option from the following) :

(A) He is a melancholy person.

(B) He was diffident regarding his selection as a lover by his lady-love but is now surprised at her choice of him.

(C) He is sceptical by nature.

(D) He is despondent.

Ans. (B) Th seems to be doubtful of being choose  as a lover by his lady love but that doubt vanishes from her reply and now h filled with surprise at his selection.

75. Which of the following words is the “Antonym” of the word “Auspicious” ?

(A) Oracular

(B) Optical

(C) Ominous

(D) Austere

Ans. (C) Auspicious means ‘Good Omen’ Ominous means ‘bad omen’.

76. Which following words is the “Synonym” of “Apathetic” ?

(A) Hostile

(B) Callous

(C) Repulsive

(D) Ominous

Ans. (A)

77. Which the following sentences is not in Passive Voice ?

(A) That nuance of the word was not intended by the speaker in his speech.

(B) I am sure you will be awarded the pulitzer for your novel this year.

(C) My uncle seeks on appointment with you

(D) We are sure to be punished by the boss.

Ans. (C) It is to be noted that in passive voice verb is always in its third form. T passive of this sentence is– An appointment is being seeked by my uncle with you.

78. Which of the following sentence Passive Voice ?

(A) I want to purchase a plot here.

(B) She knows swimming very well.

(C) You cannot compete in this year.

(D) She was awarded the British Council scholarship in 1999.

Ans. (D) A verb is in the passive voice when its form shows that something is done to the person or thing denoted by the subject. The passive voice is called so because person or thing denoted by the subject is not active but passive, that is, suffers or receive some action. Here ‘she’ t is passive and is awarded action.

79. Trace in the following list, the play which does not belong to the category to which the rest do :

(A) Othello

(B) King Lear

(C) Hamle

(D)  The Tempest

Ans. (D) Othello, King Lear, Hamlet and Macbeth are four major tragedies by Shakespeare where as the Tempest by Shakespeare is a comedy.

80. Which of the following words means ‘a cure for all ills’ ?

(A) Epidemic

(B) Didactic

(C) Panacea

(D) Diction

Ans. (C)

81. Which of the following words is misspelt ?

(A) Career

(B) Creator

(C) Canter

(D) Carrier

Ans. (C) The correct spelling is ‘Centre’.

82. What is the meaning of ‘on the alert’ ?

(A) Ready to act

(B) Depend on police

(C) Depend on others

(D) None of the above

Ans. (A)

83. What is the synonym of ‘timorous’ ?

(A) Up-to-date

(B) Bright

(C) Timid

(D) None of the above

Ans. (C)

84. What is the synonym of ‘elegant’ ?

(A) Gentle

(B) Famous

(C) Graceful

(D) None of the above

Ans. (C)

85. Find out the correct indirect narration of the following direct speech : He said to me,”what are you doing ?”

(A) He asked me what I was doing.

(B) He asked to me what was I doing ?

(C) He asked me what I was doing ?

(D) None of the above

Ans. (A) “What are you doing” is a direct question while changing it into indirect, subject is given before the verb as in statement. Question mark is not used.

86. Find out the correct indirect narration of the following direct speech : He said, “Alas! I am undone”.

(A) He exclaimed alas that he was undone.

(B) He told Alas that he was undone.

(C) He exclaimed sadly that he was undone.

(D) None of the above

Ans. (C) ‘Alas’ shows that it is an exclamatory sentence. While changing the narration word alas is removed and ‘exclaimed with sorrow’ or such words are used.

87. Punctuation of the following sentence :

“As Caesar Loved me i weep for him as he was fortunate rejoice at it as it as he was valiant i honour him but as he was ambitious i slew him” is given in following sentences. Find out the correct one.

(A) As Caesar loved me I weep for him, as he was fortunate I rejoice at it, as he was valiant I honour him, but as he was ambitious I slew him.

(B) As Caesar loved me I weep for him. As he was fortunate I rejoice at it. As he was valiant, I honour him. But as he was ambitious I slew him.

(C) As Caesar loved me, I weep for him: as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it: as he was valiant, I honour him: but, as he was ambitious, I slew him.

(D) None of the above

Ans. (C)

88. What does the abbreviation I. P. C. mean in the context of our Constitution ?

(A) Indian People’s Code

(B) Indian Premier Code

(C) Indian Popular Code

(D) Indian Penal Code

Ans. (D)

89. Select the right meaning of the word “Biography” from the following :

(A) The life history of a man written by someone else

(B) The life history of a man written by himself

(C) The life history of a man as reflected in his writings

(D) The life-history of a man created in painting by someone else

Ans. (A)

90. ‘It is not necessary says smiles to show that economy is useful.’ The sentence wants punctuation. Find out the correctly punctuated sentence from the following sentences :

(A) “It is not necessary”, says Smiles, “to show that economy is useful.

(B) “It is not necessary says smiles to show that Economy is useful.”

(C) “It is not,” Necessary says Smiles, “to show that Economy is useful”

(D) None of the above

Ans. (A)

Direction (Q. 91–93): The following sentences have been divided into 3 parts A, B and C. One of the parts may contain error. Write down the part of the sentence that has an error. If there is no error mark (D) as your answer.

91 (A) Thinking that he has finally / (B) someone with similar interests/ (C) the scholar tried to strike a conversation/ (D) No error.

Ans. (A)

92 (A) As a nation we neither impress the belligerent / (B) or inspire the lovers of peace / (C) the speaker added / (D) No error .

Ans. (D)

93 (A) The extraordinary ability of the satellites to see, listen and communicate/ (B) has made them integral with modern warfare/ (C) and nuclear war strategies in particular / (D) No error.

Ans. (B)

Direction (Q. 94–97): Fill in the blank space or complete the sentence.

94. Because she had a reputation for …………. we were surprised and pleased when she greeted us so ……………..

(A) Querulousness, affably

(B) Insolence, irately

(C) Arrogance, disdainfully

(D) Insouciance, cordially

Ans. (D)

95. Just as disloyalty is the mark of the renegade ………….. is the mark of the ……………

(A) vanity, flatterer

(B) temerity, coward

(C) advance, philanthropist

(D) cowardice, craven

Ans. (D)

96. The reasoning in this editorial is so …………. that we cannot see how anyone can be deceived by it.

(A) specious

(B) cogent

(C) astute

(D) coherent

Ans. (D)

97. If you are seeking ……………… that will resolve all your ailments, you are undertaking an impossible task.

(A) a precedent

(B) a panacea

(C) an abstraction

(D) a contrivance

Ans. (A)

Direction (Q. 98–99): Each of the following sentences is divided into four parts and have been jumbled up. You are required to arrange the sentences to give the proper sequence.

98. P. The main character

Q. a bank clerk

R. who had just returned from long voyage

S. had to greet an important customer





Ans. (D)

99. It is an established fact that

P. the consumption of alcoholic beverages

Q. because such narcotic habits have been

R. should be shunned

S. the cause of run in many families





Ans. (D)

100. Cognitivism is the doctrine that the ……….. can be invoked in scientific investigation and even be made the object of study itself.

(A) brain

(B) mind

(C) head

(D) caput

Ans. (C)

101. The psychologist Piaget emphasizes the importance of three things, which of the following is not one of them ?

(A) Meaning

(B) Knowing

(C) Understanding

(D) Memorizing

Ans. (D)

102. Positive interference is a kind of ………….. interference.

(A) target language

(B) foreign language

(C) pictorial language

(D) native language

Ans. (C)

103. Teachers must keep in contact with parents to help them understand their children and to provide appropriate guidance to develop the pupil’s ………….

(A) intelligence

(B) potentials

(C) farsightedness

(D) memory

Ans. (B)

104. “Language acquisition can be automatically attained” favoured by :

(A) Cognitivists

(B) Behaviourists

(C) Both of these

(D) None of these

Ans. (C)

105. Remedial teachers should liaise with ……….. to seek for professional support with a view to helping pupils solve their problems.

(A) strict tutors

(B) related book writers

(C) math experts

(D) related professionals

Ans. (A)

106. When designing the rewards offered, remedial teachers should take note of the following :

(A) Set very high objectives even if not achievable

(B) Discuss with parents

(C) Set clear and specific targets

(D) Reviewing and revising the reward scheme one in 5-6 years

Ans. (D)

107. Which one is a method to improve spoken skills ?

(A) Group discussions

(B) Debates

(C) Role plays

(D) All of these

Ans. (B)

108. Which is not a principle of helping pupils with learning difficulties ?

(A) Teacher provides home tuitions

(B) Teaching preparation

(C) Design meaningful clearing relation

(D) Devise various learning activities

Ans. (B)

109. When language is learnt without any practice, it is called as :

(A) learning

(B) first language

(C) acquisition

(D) erudition

Ans. (C)

110. Which one is not one of the stages of learning ?

(A) Generalization

(B) Acquisition

(C) Adoption

(D) Maintenance

Ans. (D)

111. Which one is not a language difficulty in the context of pupils with learning difficulties ?

(A) Lack of standard books

(B) Weak family background

(C) Relatively poor comprehensive

(D) Poor memory

Ans. (A)

Direction (Q. 112-114): Read the following passage carefully and select the most appropriate alternative to answer the questions given below. The crouching position which the restricted space of his hiding place had forced him to assume and the pain he still felt in his ankle made it seem like hours that his pursuers searched in area where he lay concealed, although it was probably not more than a matter of minutes. He dared not move; nor dared he give way to his overwhelming desire to sneeze for fear of revealing his presence. When eventually the voices became fainter in the distance, he allowed himself to shift his position and finally, when he could hear no more, to crawl, half-paralysed, from between the two rocks in whose shelter he had managed to eacape capture. Cautiously he peeped out to see if it was safe for him to continue his escape, and discovering no sign of life about him, he started to creep painfully in the direction he had come, hoping in this way to deceive his pursuers. He had not gone above a hundred yards when a movement in the undergrowth nearby made him stand stockstill. Could it be that, after all, some of his enemies were still searching the neighbourhood ? A few seconds passed and then from behind a stump of a tree, there appeared a small black and white dog. Man and dog eyed each other suspiciously for a moment, until, to the man’s immense relief, it raised up to him wagging its tail.

112. The writer crouched in his hiding place because:

(A) he did not want to take any risk of being caught

(B) he had pain in his ankle

(C) he was mortally scared

(D) there was not much space

Ans. (B)

113. ‘When eventually the voices became fainter in the distance’ means :

(A) It was relatively quiet now

(B) People talking in the distance fainted

(C) There was no sign of any activity nearby

(D) Though there was some noise nearby, things were quiet in the distance

Ans. (C)

114. The writer decided to come out of his hiding place when:

(A) he was completely paralysed

(B) he could hear no more the voices of his pursuers

(C) he was no longer able to control himself

(D) he was not able to see the pursuers

Ans. (D)

Direction (Q. 115-117): Choose the word which is similar in meaning to the words given in capital letters.

115. RESCIND :

(A) to annul

(B) to retreat

(C) to admit

(D) to appologize

Ans. (A)


(A) official decree

(B) imaginary

(C) suave

(D) enlightened

Ans. (D)

117. ABUT :

(A) perjure

(B) renounce

(C) discussion

(D) adjoin

Ans. (A)

Direction (Q. 118-120): From the given options choose the option which is most nearly opposite in meaning to the words given in capital letters.


(A) salvage

(B) muffle

(C) decelerate

(D) distract

Ans. (B)


(A) capitalistic

(B) importance

(C) investment

(D) restriction

Ans. (A)


(A) chained

(B) quiet

(C) posthumous

(D) strident

Ans. (B)

121. The opposite of the word ‘familiar’ is :

(A) related to a family

(B) personal

(C) strange

(D) unfriendly

Ans. (D)

122. The word ‘creative’ is opposite in meaning to :

(A) destructive

(B) positive

(C) artistic

(D) pessimistic

Ans. (A)

123. Pick out the word which has been correctly spelt :

(A) obidient

(B) obediant

(C) obedient

(D) obidiant

Ans. (C)

124. Which one of the following words has been correctly spelt ?

(A) gramar

(B) grammar

(C) grammer

(D) gramer

Ans. (B)

Direction: Read the following stanza and answer Question No. 125 and 126. “Silence hath bound thee her fatal chain : Neglected, mute and desolate art thou, Like ruined monument on desert plain : May be by mortal wakened once again, Harp of my country, let me strike the strain !”

125. The line ‘Like ruined monument on desert plain’ is an example of :

(A) simile

(B) metaphor

(C) elegy

(D) hyperbole

Ans. (A)

126. Which one of the following phrases gives us an example of alliteration ?

(A) harp of my country

(B) strike the strain

(C) with her fatal chain

(D) desolate art thou

Ans. (B)

127. A sonnet usually contains :

(A) eight lines

(B) six lines

(C) twelve lines

(D) fourteen lines

Ans. (C)

Direction for Question No. 128– 130: Pick out the correct phonetic transcription of the following words:

128. Like

(A) /laIk/

(B) /lIk/

(C) /la:k/

(D) /lu:Ik/

Ans. (A)

129. Tree

(A) /trI/

(B) /tre/

(C) /tri:/

(D) /treI/

Ans. (C)

130. These

(A) /∂Is/

(B) / i:z/

(C) / Iz/

(D) / ∂i:z/

Ans. (B)

131. Which one of the following words is a noun ?

(A) interesting

(B) develop

(C) teacher

(D) brave

Ans. (C)

132. Fill in the blank with appropriate determiner : I have not got………..money in my bank account.

(A) any

(B) a

(C) a few

(D) few

Ans. (A)

133. Supply a correct form of the verb ‘remember’ in the following sentence : I………..your name.

(A) am remembering

(B) remember

(C) was remembering

(D) have remember

Ans. (C)

134. Pick out the correct verb form : She was walking along the road when she…..him.

(A) met

(B) have met

(C) was meeting

(D) meet

Ans. (A)

135. Supply a modal which expresses ability : All of them……………speak three languages.

(A) may

(B) will

(C) must

(D) can

Ans. (D)

136. We must come back by six. ‘Must’ in the above sentence expresses.

(A) possibility

(B) advice

(C) desire

(D) necessity

Ans. (A)

137. Complete the phrasal verb in the following sentence : You may try hard to hide the truth, but one day the true will come ………… .

(A) in

(B) over

(C) out

(D) at

Ans. (C)

138. Complete the phrasal verb in the following sentence : People have been complaining about the price going …………..everyday.

(A) up

(B) through

(C) after

(D) in

Ans. (A)

139. Complete the phrasal verb in the following sentence : Many parents were at the railway station to see …………..their children.

(A) away

(B) at

(C) off

(D) after

Ans. (C)

140. Which one of the following phrasal verbs means ‘to remove’ ?

(A) put on

(B) take off

(C) put up

(D) get off

Ans. (B)

141. We decided to put off our visit to Kashmir till October. ‘Put off’ in the above sentence means :

(A) arrange

(B) plan

(C) reject

(D) postpone

Ans. (D)

142. There is not enough money, so we must cut down expenses. ‘Cut down’ in the above sentence means :

(A) reduce in size or amount

(B) stop

(C) increase in size or amount

(D) revise

Ans. (A)

143. They are repairing the bridge. The passive voice of the above sentence will be :

(A) The bridge is repaired.

(B) The bridge are being repaired.

(C) The bridge is being repaired.

(D) The bridge has being repaired.

Ans. (C)

144. Pick out the correct passive voice of the following sentence : They carried the injured player off the field.

(A) Off the field was carried by the injured player.

(B) The injured player was carried off the field by them.

(C) The injured player be carried off the field.

(D) The injured player has been carried off the field.

Ans. (B)

145. He said, “Kavita, when is the next train ?” The above sentence in Reported Speech will be :

(A) He asked Kavita that when the next train was

(B) He asked to Kavita when was the next train

(C) He asked to Kavita that when is the next train

(D) He asked Kavita when the next train was

Ans. (D)

146. The doctor said to me, “Do not swim in cold water.” In Reported Speech, the above sentence will be: The doctor advised me :

(A) do not swim in cold water

(B) that do not swim in cold water

(C) not to swim in cold water

(D) to not swim in cold water

Ans. (C)

147. Pick out the sentence which has the same meaning as the following sentence : No person in my village is as wise as my uncle.

(A) My uncle is the wisest person in my village.

(B) There is no wise person in my village.

(C) My uncle is the only wise person in my village.

(D) My uncle is wiser than some people in my village.

Ans. (A)

148. Pick out the appropriate question tag for the following statement : You didn’t see him.

(A) didn’t you

(B) did you

(C) isn’t it

(D) aren’t you

Ans. (B)

149. The word ‘advocate’ is opposite in meaning to :

(A) adviser

(B) scholar

(C) supporter

(D) downholder

Ans. (D)

150. Which one of the following words is similar in meaning to the word ‘precise’ ?

(A) brief

(B) exact

(C) precious

(D) expensive

Ans. (B)

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