PGT English Previous year Solved PAPER – 03

        Change the following affirmative sentences into negative ones. (Q. 1 & 2)

  1. He is greater than I.

        (a)I am not greatest.

        (b)I am less great.

        (c)I am not so great as he.

        (d)I cannot be great as he is.          (c)


  1. He is too weak to walk.

        (a)He is so weak that he cannot walk.

        (b)He is not very weak too walk.

        (c)He cannot walk so weak.

        (d)He is very weak so cannot walk properly.                  (a)

        Change the following affirmative sentences into interrogative. (Q. 3 & 4)

  1. He will never learn to be polite.

        (a)When will he learn to be polite?

        (b)Will he be polite?

        (c)Shall he learn too be polite?

        (d)Polite will he be ever?                (a)

  1. He came home after many years.

        (a)After years has he come home?

        (b)Did he not come home after many years?

        (c)Home come after many years?

        (d)Did come home he after years   (b)

        Transform the simple sentence into a compound. (Q. 5 & 6)

  1. The teacher punished the boy for disobedience.

        (a)The boy was disobedient and so punished by the teacher.

        (b)The boy was disobedient, so the teacher punished him.

        (c)Disobedience of the boy was punished.

        (d)The teacher punished the boy to disobedience.                      (b)

  1. He must work very hard to win the first prize.

        (a)He must work very hard for the first prize.

        (b)He must work very hard, or he will not win the first prize.

        (c)Winning the first prize requires hard work.

        (d)To win the first prize he ought to work harder.                      (b)

        Transform the following simple sentence into a complex sentence. (Q. 7 & 8)

  1. It is too hot to go out today.

        (a)It is so hot going out today.

        (b)It is so hot that one cannot go out today.

        (c)Being hot one cannot go out today.

        (d)It is too hot so one cannot go out today.                    (b) PGT English Previous year Solved paper 

  1. He was astonished to see me.

        (a)He was astonished when he saw me.

        (b)He was astonished on seeing me.

        (c)He was astonished that he see me.

        (d)When seeing me he was astonished.               (a)

        Fill in the blank with the suitable option. (Q. 9 to 12)

  1. _______ you ring me up at six in the evening. (Polite request)

        (a)Shall                  (b)Can

        (c)Could                (d)Will              (c)

  1. Cars _______ be parked in front of the entrance. (Prohibition)

        (a)shall                   (b)must not

        (c)would not          (d)might not     (b)

  1. The bill _______ be paid before Saturday. (Compulsion, necessity)

        (a)may                   (b)must

        (c)need                  (d)will               (b)

  1. If only they _______ keep quiet for a moment. (Hypothetical situation)

        (a)shall                   (b)may

        (c)would                (d)must             (c)

        Fill in the blank with the correct preposition. (Q. 13 to 17)

  1. Hari is inferior _______ Rama in intelligence.

        (a)with                   (b)than

        (c)to                       (d)from             (c)

  1. The company has rejected the workers’ demands _______ a rise in pay.

        (a)to                       (b)with

        (c)for                     (d)in                  (c)

  1. These photographs were taken _______ a friend of mine.

        (a)by                      (b)in

        (c)at                       (d)on                 (a)

PGT English Previous year Solved paper

  1. They are expecting to announce the sale _______ the next few days.

        (a)within                (b)since

        (c)until                   (d)till                (a)

  1. I usually go to work _______ foot.

        (a)with                   (b)by

        (c)on                      (d)of                 (c)

        Fill in the blank with the appropriate phrasal verb. (Q. 18 & 19)

  1. This legend has been _______ from father to son.

        (a)Handed in         (b)Handed round

        (c)Handed down   (d)Hand out     (c)

  1. You are not going to _______ with this!

        (a)get from            (b)get up to

        (c)get away            (d)get it on       (c)

        Identify the meaning of the underlined Idioms in the given sentences. (Q. 20 & 21)

  1. He is not a great lawyer but he has the gift to the gab.

        (a)To fight the case


        (c)To know the truth

        (d)A talent for speaking                 (d)

  1. I gave him a piece of my mind.

        (a)Scolded him      (b)A little bit

        (c)A gift                (d)Surprised him


        The passage given below is followed by a set of questions. Choose the best answer to each question. (Q. 22 to 26)

        Human nature is one of those things that everybody talks about but not one can define precisely. Every time we fall in love, fight with our spouse, get upset about the influx of immigrants into our country, or go to church, we are, in part, behaving as a human animal with our own unique evolved nature-human nature. This means two things. First, our thoughts, feelings, and behaviour are produced not only by our individual experiences and environment in our own lifetime but also by what happened to our ancestors millions of years ago. Second, our thoughts, feelings, and behaviour are shared, to a large extent, by all men or women, despite seemingly large cultural differences Human behaviour is a product both of our innate human nature and of our individual experience and environment.

  1. What is that one thing everybody talks about?

        (a)Spouse               (b)Nature

        (c)Cricket              (d)Human Nature


  1. How do humans behave when they fight?

        (a)Like fighters

        (b)Like apes

        (c)Like a human animal

        (d)Like killers                                 (c)

  1. What determines our behavour?

        (a)Eating Habits

        (b)Fighting Spirit


        (d)Individual experience and environment                     (d)

  1. The meaning of the word “Immigrants” is :

        (a)A native person

        (b)A tourist

        (c)An ambassador

        (d)One who comes to live permanently in a foreign country      (d)

  1. The meaning of the word “unique” is :



        (c)Being the only one of its kind

        (d)Familiar                                      (c)

  1. Which of the following features does not go with a good precis?

        (a)Accuracy           (b)Conciseness

        (c)Paraphrasing      (d)Brevity         (c)

  1. Identify the incorrect Option :

        (a)Precis writing is meant only to enhance speaking skills.

        (b)There is a difference between Paraphrasing and precis writing.

        (c)Irrelevant details from the original passage could be skipped while making a precis.

        (d)The title of the precis should be apt.              (a)

  1. Business letters can be Concluded by Writing.

        (a)Yours truly

        (b)Yours lovingly

        (c)Yours anxiously

        (d)Truthfully yours                         (a)

  1. Which of the following is not an acceptable way of writing the date in a formal letter?

        (a)December 15th, 2018

        (b)15 December, 2018

        (c)15th December, 2018

        (d)15-12-2018                                (d)

  1. A formal or official statement, as of results of an investigation or matters referred to or just a statement of facts is called a _______.

        (a)Letter                (b)Precis

        (c)Report               (d)Comprehension


  1. Which of the following must a report not have?


        (b)Reporter’s Name


        (d)Subscription                               (d)

  1. When was Milton’s “On His Blindness” first published :

        (a)1673                  (b)1680

        (c)1690                  (d)1694             (a)

  1. What does the word ‘Yoke’ mean in the line, ‘Bear his mild yoke’ in Milton’s “On His Blindness”?

        (a)A burden which Oppresses or restrains a person

        (b)Garment or a piece of jewelry

        (c)Mild Drink

        (d)Treatment                                  (a)

        Fill in the blank with correct option.

  1. Milton’s poem “On His Blindness” is a/an _______.

        (a)Elegy                 (b)Sonnet

        (c)Ballad                (d)Epic             (b)

  1. The Speaker in ‘Go and Catch a Falling Star’ asks the listeners to perform a series of :

        (a)Unadventurous tasks

        (b)Impossible tasks

        (c)Cowardly tasks

        (d)Literary tasks                             (b)

  1. The tone of the Speaker in ‘Go and Catch a Falling Star’ is :

        (a)Cynical              (b)Emotional

        (c)Sad                    (d)Mysterious   (a)

  1. The poet in ‘Go and Catch a Fallin Star’ decides at the end of the poem :

        (a)to go on a pilgrimage.

        (b)marry a woman who is fair and beautiful.

        (c)not to search a woman who is both fair and beautiful, because it is impossible to find one.

        (d)write a series of letters to such a woman to check her fidelity throughout her life.   (c)

  1. William Wordsworth died in the year _______.

        (a)1841                  (b)1850

        (c)1904                  (d)1888             (b)

  1. In the poem, ‘Daffodils’, the word ‘joeund’ means _______.

        (a)Melancholy       (b)Boring

        (c)Joyous               (d)Hateful        (c)

  1. “Ten thousand saw I at a glance”. This line from ‘Daffodils’ is an example of :

        (a)Visual Imagery

        (b)Auditory Imagery

        (c)Olfactory Imagery

        (d)Tactile Imagery (a)

  1. “One too like thee”- In this line from ‘Ode to the west wind’ the word one refers to the :

        (a)The West Wind

        (b)The Poet

        (c)The Forest

        (d)The Lyre                                    (b)

  1. Shelley’s poem, ‘Ode to the west wind’ was written in the year _______.

        (a)1910                  (b)1888

        (c)1819                  (d)1809             (c)

  1. Who would blow the clarion over the dreaming earth in ‘Ode to the west wind’?

        (a)The dead leaves

        (b)The seeds

        (c)The wise spirit

        (d)The azure sister of the spring     (d)

  1. In the poem, ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’ the poet refers to the Urn as :

        (a)Happy, Happy boughs

        (b)An unravished bride of quietness

        (c)Heard Melodies

        (d)Mysterious priest                       (b)

  1. “Ode on a Grecian Urn” deals with the :

        (a)Supremacy of nature over ideal art.

        (b)Supremacy of ideal art over nature.

        (c)Supremacy of god over man.

        (d)Supremacy of men over women.


  1. The ‘Urn’ has not been described by the poet as :

        (a)Unravished bride

        (b)Foster child of silence

        (c)Sylvan historian

        (d)Bold lover                                  (d)

  1. What does the line, ‘gift of a nine hundred-years old name’ suggest?

        (a)The Duke’s aristocratic ancestry.

        (b)Name of the kingdoms.

        (c)A gift of Rs. 900

        (d)Kind heartedness of the Duke.  (a)

  1. Who is the person speaking in the poem, ‘My Last Duchess’?

        (a)The Messenger

        (b)The Italian Duke

        (c)The Duchess

        (d)The Painter                                (b)

  1. The poem, ‘My Last Duchess’ is written in the form of a/an _______.




        (d)Dramatic Monologue                 (d)

  1. ‘Scorpion Shadows’ in the poem ‘Night of the Scorpion’ are :

        (a)Shadows refelcting the fear of the villagers.

        (b)Paintings on the wall.

        (c)Mud on the wall.

        (d)Shadows of village women.      (a)

  1. ‘He rished the rain again’ :

        In this line from ‘Night of the Scorpion’ the word ‘He’ is used for :

        (a)the priest           (b)the Scorpion

        (c)the father           (d)the villagers


  1. ‘May the poison purify your flesh of desire, and your spirit of _______ complete the above line from the poem ‘Night of the Scorpion’ by identifying the correct option.

        (a)passion              (b)lust

        (c)anger                 (d)ambition       (d)

  1. The poem titled ‘Dance of the Eunuchs’ has been taken from which poetic collection?

        (a)The Sirens

        (b)My Story

        (c)The Old Playhouse & other poems

        (d)Summer in Calcutta                   (d)

  1. “Dance of the Eunuchs” is not accompanied by the sounds of :

        (a)cymbals             (b)anklets

        (c)drum                  (d)flute             (d)

  1. In ‘Dance of the Eunuchs’, Eunuchs decorate their hair’ with :

        (a)Marigolds and Hibiscuses.

        (b)Lotuses and Sunflowers.


        (d)Roses and Oleanders.                (c)

  1. “Fair is foul, and foul is fair” :

        Who is/are the speaker/speakers of the above line?


        (b)The Three Witches


        (d)Banquo and Duncan                  (b)

  1. ‘And Pity, like a naked new born babe striding the blast” :

        Macbeth while speaking these lines is conscious of :

        (a)Duncan’s innocence

        (b)Banquo’s innocence

        (c)Macduff’s innocence

        (d)His Own innocence                   (a)

  1. ‘It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing :

        In the lines from ‘Macbeth’ the word ‘It denotes’ :

        (a)Victory              (b)Death

        (c)Life                   (d)Love            (c)

  1. Identify the incorrect option about the title of the play As you like it.

        (a)The title might ‘have been suggested to Shakespeare by Lodge’s preface to his novel ‘Rosalynde’, in which occurs the phrase, “If you like it so.”

        (b)The title refers to the immense variety of the play.

        (c)In the epilogue to the play, Rosalind says, “Like as much of the play, as please you.”

        (d)The characters in the play do not get what they like.             (d)

  1. “Run, run, Orlando; carve on every tree.

        The fair, the chaste and unexpressive she.”

        Who is the speaker of the above lines in the play, “As you like it”.

        (a)Orlando             (b)Touchstone

        (c)Ceria                  (d)Rosalind      (a)

  1. Who has been called the embodiement of Helen’s face, Cleopatra’s majesty, Atlanta’s grace?

        (a)Phoebe              (b)Rosalind

        (c)Celia                  (d)Audrey        (b)

  1. Identify the incorrect option :

        (a)Crafty men worship studies.

        (b)Simple men admire studies.

        (c)Wise men use studies

        (d)Judicious readers study to weigh and consider.                     (a)

  1. “CyminiSectores” in the essary ‘Of Studies’ refers to _______.

        (a)Hair splitters      (b)Purifiers

        (c)Magicians          (d)Astronaut     (a)

  1. According to Bacon in his essay ‘Of Studies’, studies serve for :

        (a)delight, wisdom and time pass.

        (b)delight, wit and passion.

        (c)ornament, playfulness and conceit.

        (d)delight, ornament and ability.    (d)

  1. Charles Lamb refers to young chimney sweepers as _______.


        (b)Tender Novices

        (c)Rich aristocrats

        (d)Labourers                                   (b)

  1. Identify the phrase which has not been used by Charles Lamb for the Chimney Sweepers :

        (a)Clergy Imps

        (b)Young Orphans

        (c)Sable Younkers

        (d)Young Europeans                      (d)

  1. ‘Yet must I confess, that from the mouth of a true sweep a display (even to Ostentation) of those white and shiny ossifications, strikes me’.

        In these lines Charles Lamb is talking about :

        (a)Chimney sweeper’s white teeth.

        (b)Chimney sweeper’s white clothes.

        (c)Chimney sweeper’s bright faces.

        (d)Chimney sweeper’s bright eyes.


  1. The revellers who carried skimmity ride tied effigies of two characters to a donkey, in the novel ‘The Mayor of Casterbridge.’ These two characters were :

        (a)Donald Farfrae and Lucetta

        (b)Donald Farfare and Elizabeth Jane

        (c)Michael Henchard and Lucetta

        (d)Jopp and Lucetta                       (c)

  1. ‘The Three Mariners’ in the Novel, The Mayor of Casturbridge is :

        (a)An assembly hall

        (b)A market place

        (c)An inn

        (d)The Mayor’s residence               (c)

  1. What does Jagan take with him to China Dorai’s grove?

        (a)All the letters of Mali.

        (b)All of his religious books.

        (c)His Gandhian Charka and the ‘bank-book’.

        (d)Pictures of his wife.                   (c)

  1. ‘Malgudi’ is the name of a :

        (a)Character           (b)Fictional town

        (c)Sweet shop        (d)Book            (b)

  1. Identify the incorrect option.

        (a)While reading the Gita Jagan’s ears and mind are always in the kitchen.

        (b)Jagan allows the leftovers to be restuffed in the new sweets.

        (c)Jagan raises the price of the sweets.

        (d)Jagan tells his cousin that money is an evil.                (c)

  1. Identify the figure of speech in the lines below “Ride ten thousand days and nights, Till age Snow white hairs on thee”.

        (a)Pun                    (b)Hyperbole

        (c)Simile                (d)Oxymoron   (b)

PGT English Previous year Solved paper

  1. Identify the figure of speech.

        “Loose Clouds like earth’s decaying leaves are shed”.

        (a)Simile                (b)Personification

        (c)Metaphor           (d)Oxymoron   (a)

  1. The purification and purgation of emotions particulary pity and fear through art or any extreme change in emotion, that results in renewal and restoration is called :

        (a)bathos                (b)conflict

        (c)catharsis            (d)comic relief  (c)

  1. An inoffensive expression used in place of a blunt one that is felt to be disagreeable or embarrassing, would be :


        (b)Transferred epithet


        (d)Pun                                            (c)

  1. A term to signify the distribution, at the end of a literary work, of earthly rewards and punishments in proportion to the virtue or vice of the characters is :

        (a)climax                (b)tragic pleasure

        (c)poetic justice     (d)poetic license


  1. A serious and dignified composition with an exalted subject matter and often in the form of an address is called _______.

        (a)Ode                   (b)Lyric

        (c)Epic                   (d)Sonnet         (a)

  1. “The doves in immemorial elms and murmuring of innumerable bees”. Is an example of :

        (a)Oxymoron         (b)Simile

        (c)Onomatopoeia   (d)Pun              (c)

  1. Choose the correct phonetic transcription of the word ‘School’.

        (a)/sku:l/                 (b)/skl/

        (c)/sk:l/                   (d)/ckl/              (a)

  1. Identify the phonetic symbol of the letters underlined in the words below :

        Chance, Rich

        (a)c                        (b)tf

        (c)d3                      (d)t                   (b)

  1. Identify the correct dipthong in the words.

        Go, So

        (a)ei                       (b)v

        (c)ai                       (d)v                   (b)

  1. Identify the correct phonetic transcription of the word ‘woman’.

        (a)/voomn/             (b)/wmn/

        (c)/wmn/                (d)/woomn/       (x)

  1. Choose the option that bears the correct strees in ‘photography’

        (a)‘Photography    (b)Photogra’phy

        (c)Pho’tography    (d)Photo’graphy


  1. Choose the option in which the word ‘Psychology’ is correctly stressed.

        (a)‘Psychology      (b)Psy’chology

        (c)Psycho’logy      (d)Psycholo’gy


  1. Choose the correctly stressed word :

        (a)Im’portant         (b)‘Important

        (c)Impor’tant         (d)Imp’ortant   (a)

  1. Mrs. Equitone in The Waste Land is a

        (a)fortune teller

        (b)client of Madame Sosostris

        (c)lady typist

        (d)chess player                               (b)

  1. In which of the following scenes of The Waste Land do we have a departure from standard English?

        (a)The typist scene

        (b)The pub scene

        (c)The hyacinth garden scene

        (d)The chapel perilour scene           (b)

  1. Identify the incorrect option :

        (a)Goldberg and McCaan are embodiment of Stanley’s existential anxiety.

        (b)Goldberg and McCaan are society’s pull’ to claim back an ‘opt-out’ existence.

        (c)Godlberg and McCaan can be called messengers of death and destruction.

        (d)Goldberg and McCann are the artistic personification/side of Stanley.                     (d)

  1. What does Stanley get as his Birthday gift?

        (a)a teddy bear      (b)a piano

        (c)a toy drum         (d)a black car    (c)

  1. Pick out the central character in the novel, Cry the Peacock from the options below :

        (a)Nargis                (b)Maya

        (c)Gautami            (d)Daisy           (b)

  1. Cry the Peacock does not have theme of :

        (a)alienation and isolation.

        (b)marital disharmony and desire to be loved.

        (c)inability of the inner self to communicate with the outer world.

        (d)Class struggle and nationalism.


  1. A Contact language, a mixture of elements from different natural languages and the use of which is usually restricted to a certain group, is called a

        (a)Dialect               (b)Idiolect

        (c)Pidgin                (d)Code            (c)

  1. When a Pidgin becomes a lingua franca, it is called a _______.

        (a)Register             (b)Dialect

        (c)Creole                (d)English         (c)

  1. The shift from one language to the other consciously or Unconsciously during speech is known as _______.

        (a)Lingua Franca   (b)Code Switching

        (c)Diglossia           (d)Register       (b)

  1. ‘Dii Mange More’ is an example of :

        (a)Code Neutralising


        (c)Code Mixing

        (d)Coding                                       (c)

  1. The nature of educational psychology is :

        (a)Normative Science

        (b)Physical Science

        (c)Positive Science

        (d)Natural Science                          (c)

  1. Which of the following content is not included in the psychology of teaching learning?

        (a)Nature of learning process

        (b)Nature of education system

        (c)Motivation and transfer of learning

        (d)Nature and characteristics of learner              (b)

  1. The most important focal area in education that concern educational Psychologists and teachers pointed is :

        (a)The learning situation

        (b)The learning process

        (c)The learning enviornment

        (d)The learner                                 (d)

  1. Which of the following is not included in importance of educational Psychology for teachers?

        (a)Selecting and organizing the content matter.

        (b)Knowledge of total covert behaviour.

        (c)Knowledge of effect of heredity and envionment.

        (d)Knowledge of problems of classroom learning.         (b)

  1. The Piagetian stage in which child construct an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences with motor motoraction is

        (a)Sensory motor stage

        (b)Preoperational stage

        (c)Concrete operational stage

        (d)Formal operational stage            (a)

  1. Which of the following is not a characteristics of physical growth and development of the adolescents?

        (a)Co-ordination of Muscles

        (b)Growth Spourt

        (c)Secondary sexual characteristics

        (d)Oneset of puberty                      (a)

  1. Which of the following characteristics of adolescents marked according to the Erikson’s theory of Psychosocial stages?

        (a)Initiative Vs. Guilt

        (b)Industry Vs. Inferiority

        (c)Identify Vs. Identify Confusion

        (d)Intimacy Vs. Isolation               (c)

  1. According to Kohlberg individual at this level move beyond unquestioning support for the laws and rules of their own Society.




        (d)Re-conventional                         (c)

  1. Which of the following statement is not correct about the nature of emotion and its development?

        (a)Emotions aroused by external Stimuli.

        (b)Emotional expressions modified by learning.

        (c)Emotions are form of energy mobilisation.

        (d)Emotions are permanent states of the organism.                    (d)

  1. Which of the following is an appropriate principle of development?

        (a)All individuals are same.

        (b)Definite and Predictable pattern.

        (c)Early foundations have not effect.

        (d)A process of specific to general proceeding.              (b)

  1. The characteristics of behaviouristic concept of learning is :

        (a)Hereditary is much more important than environment.

        (b)Consciousness is the subject for scientific study.

        (c)An object study of behaviour.

        (d)Intropection as the method of studying behaviour.   (c)

  1. Which of the following is not a constructivist view of learning?

        (a)Learning is a passive receptive process.

        (b)Learning is facilitated by social interaction.

        (c)New learning depends on learner’s previous knowledge.

        (d)Learning is an active meaning making process.                      (a)

  1. Role of learner according to constructivist learning is not reflected in :

        (a)Student gives predictions about phenomenon.

        (b)Student designs experiments to test his/her own ideas.

        (c)Student compares the findings and results with others.

        (d)Student gives the responsibility of learning to others.                       (d)

  1. Cognitive approach of learning mainly emphasis on :

        (a)Recall the facts

        (b)Memory and thinking

        (c)Memories the information

        (d)Development of good habits     (b)

  1. According to Vygotsky the range of taks that are too difficult for children to master alone but that can be mastered with guidance and assistance from adults or more skilled children is called :


        (b)Zone of proximal development

        (c)Metacognitive awareness

        (d)Hypothetical-Deductive reasoning                 (b)

  1. Which of the following is the most effective teaching-learning material or experience, according to Edgar Dale?

        (a)Contrived experience

        (b)Demonstration of experiment

        (c)Motion picture

        (d)Visual symbols (a)

  1. A student faces adjustment problems with his/her classmates. Which of the following type of guidance can assist him/her effectively?

        (a)Educational Guidance only

        (b)Vocational Guidance only

        (c)Personal Social Guidance

        (d)Educational and Vocational Guidance                       (c)

  1. Which of the following condition is not directly responsible for adjustment problems of students in school?

        (a)Inadequate curriculum

        (b)Inadequate training of teachers

        (c)Emphasis on examination and competition

        (d)Transparent assessment system


  1. Which of the following is correct sequence of the steps of system approach?

        (a)System design – System analysis – System operation and Evaluation

        (b)System operation and Evaluation – System design – System analysis

        (c)System analysis – System design – System operation and Evalutation

        (d)System analysis – System operation and Evaluation – System design                      (c)

  1. Which of the following is not mainly focuses on the Advance Organizer model of Auscibel?

        (a)Helping teachers in their method of presentation of the subject matter.

        (b)Focuses on the adoption of an inquiry approach in content.

        (c)Organizing and conveying large amount of information meaningfully.

        (d)Helping learner to strengthen their existing congnitive structures.    (b)

  1. Which of the following is internal barrier of communcation?


        (b)Physical discomfort

        (c)Feeling of insecurity

        (d)Competitions among the participants             (c)

  1. What is the role of the learner in a socio constructivist lesson?

        (a)To work individually on all assignments

        (b)To abide by the parameters enforced by the teacher

        (c)To follow the instruction given by the teacher

        (d)To combine previous experiences with new experiences        (d)

  1. When students attend school online, this is called :

        (a)Virtual reality

        (b)Visual learning

        (c)Reference information

        (d)Virtual school                            (d)

  1. Who said “Adolescence is a period where growing person makes transition from childhood to maturity”?

        (a)Stanley Hall


        (c)Crow and Crow

        (d)E.A. Kirkpatric (b)

  1. Example of software is :

        (a)Mouse               (b)Keyboard

        (c)PowerPoint       (d)Scanners      (c)

  1. A behaviour pattern involving self starvation that often arises in adolescence and especially among girls is known as :

        (a)Down Syndrome


        (c)Anorexia nervosa

        (d)Autism                                       (c)

  1. The conclusion ‘Children can learn violent behaviour depicted in movies’ may be derived on the basis of the work done by which of the following psychologist?

        (a)Jean Piaget        (b)Albert Bandura

        (c)J.B. Watson       (d)E.L. Thordike


  1. What is the meanning of CAI?

        (a)Computer Aided Instruction

        (b)Computer Aided Instrument

        (c)Computer Aided Institution

        (d)Computer Aided Information   (a)

  1. Which of the following is not an advantage of co-operative learning?

        (a)Build positive relationship among students

        (b)Provide experiences that develop good learning

        (c)Some students may not do their fair share of work

        (d)Greater intrinsic motivation       (c)

  1. The book ‘Emotional Intelligence’ is written by :

        (a)Daniel Goleman

        (b)Peter Salovey

        (c)John Mayer

        (d)Howard Gardner                       (a)

        Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners. (Q. 128 to 137)

  1. There’s ________ chocolate cake over there.

        (a)some                  (b)any

        (c)most                  (d)every            (a)

  1. I am not the ________ you are looking for.

        (a)each                   (b)one

        (c)some                  (d)many            (b)

  1. It is said that Nero played ________ fiddle while Rome burned.

        (a)those                  (b)the

        (c)many                 (d)both             (b)

  1. The mistake is all ________.

        (a)few                    (b)mine

        (c)most                  (d)some            (b)

  1. ________ light was out.

        (a)Every                 (b)Both

        (c)All                     (d)Many           (a)

  1. ________ ninth chapter of the book is very interesting.

        (a)A                       (b)The

        (c)All                     (d)Few              (b)

  1. I made a good ________ friends there.

        (a)much                 (b)any

        (c)only                   (d)many            (d)

  1. He spread ________ honey on a slice of bread.

        (a)a few                 (b)much

        (c)a little                (d)many            (c)

  1. ________ applicant has five choices.

        (a)Much                 (b)Each

        (c)All                     (d)Several         (b)

  1. shehadonly________ rupees left.

        (a)a few                 (b)little

        (c)few                    (d)much            (a)

        Fill in the blanks with the correct option of the given verb. (Q. 138 to 142)

  1. The well ________ dry.

        (a)is ran                  (b)was ran

        (c)has run               (d)have run       (c)

  1. We ________ you tomorrow (to see). (Future continuous)

        (a)shall seeing

        (b)shall be seeing

        (c)will have seeing

        (d)can see                                       (b)

  1. Our happiness or our sorrow largely due to our own actions.

        (a)were                  (b)is

        (c)has                     (d)have             (b)

  1. I ________ Tom tomorrow.

        (a)saw                    (b)see

        (c)am seeing          (d)have seen     (c)

  1. Before we ________ our meal he ordered us back to work.

        (a)had finished

        (b)will finishing

        (c)shall have been finishing

        (d)finish                 (a)

        Choose the correct option (indirect form) in (Q. 143 to 146) from those given below.

  1. ‘I’m waiting for Ann’, he said.

        (a)He said he will wait for Ann.

        (b)He said that he was waiting for Ann.

        (c)He replied that he was wait for Ann.

        (d)He told us that he might wait for Ann.                      (b)

  1. ‘You’d better not drink the water,’ She said.

        (a)She said not drink water.

        (b)She told us not to drink.

        (c)She advised us not to drink the water.

        (d)Water was not allowed to drink by her.                     (c)

  1. He said, ‘We will discuss this tomorrow’.

        (a)He said that they would discuss that the next day.

        (b)He said the matter will be discussed.

        (c)He informed us that it will be discussed tomorrow.

        (d)He said I will discuss it.            (a)

  1. Nishi said, ‘My parents are famous singers’.

        (a)Nishi said that her parents were famous singers.

        (b)Nishi’s parents are famous singers.

        (c)Nishi informed us that her parents are singers.

        (d)Famous singers are Nishi’s parents.                (a)

        Choose the correct passive form of hthe sentence from the given options in (Q. 147 to 150).

  1. They were carrying the injured player off the field.

        (a)They carried him off the field.

        (b)The injured player was carry off the field.

        (c)The injured player will be carry off the field.

        (d)The injured player was being carried off the field.    (d)

  1. They threw away the old newspapers.

        (a)The old newspapers were thrown away.

        (b)Old newspapers had to be thrown.

        (c)The old newspapers had to be thrown.

        (d)The old newspapers were threw away.                       (a)

  1. The cat ate the food.

        (a)The food was eaten by the cat.

        (b)The food ate by the cat.

        (c)The food was being ate by the cat.

        (d)The food eat by the cat.             (a)

  1. Has anyone ever called you a fool before?

        (a)Have you ever been called a fool bfore.

        (b)Before anyone call you a fool.

        (c)Anyone ever call you a fool before.

        (d)Have you called before a fool.  (a)



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